Top traditional eatable souvenir of Kerman



Top traditional eatable souvenir of Kerman

Posted By : irankalut/ 1541 0

Ghavoot or as locals say “Ghovvatoo” is exclusively a traditional eatable souvenir of Kerman which dates back to the long history of the region. The terms are interchangeably carrying the same meaning, energy and nutrition. It is served at any time of the day or night as the best snack. Locals directly put the powder into their mouth or solve it in hot or cold water and drink it. However, the main target group of the users are parturients, students and physically or mentally sick and weak individuals.

Culturally and traditionally, people of Kerman area make it stylishly and homemade through a long process to prepare it for the woman who is waiting a baby. A few weeks before a pregnant woman is delivered, the family, usually her mother, takes action to collect a variety of seeds of different useful plants which are considered as nutritious and medicinal. The seeds and other ingredients include something like opium poppy, coffee, coconut,   After cleaning, washing and roasting them, sugar is added and the mixture is milled into powder. The product is then smells nice and has a special color. However, since various seeds are involved, different colors are produced. Normally, light and dark brown, cream and light green dominate.

No doubt that Ghovoot is beyond nutritional value. The phenolic content and antioxidant activity has been proved in laboratories. If you want to follow more about detailed facts, click here.

Some of the seeds used to make Ghavoot are as follows:

Coffee, opium poppy, purslane, coriander, cotton, barley, lettuce, cardamom, nigella, sunflower, sesame, myrtle, hemp, black pepper, pistachio, coconut, cumin

Based on the component seeds in Ghavoot, it is believed that there are very positive effects like getting rid of insomnia, pacifying, helping nerving system, removing boredom, reducing pains during menstruation period, boosting sex power, energizing, and supporting memory.

Ghavoot is kept in textile bag or glass containers. Today, people make over 10 kilos and keep it in the refrigerator to prevent decay. visitors can see plenty of Ghavoot in the shops of grand bazaar of Kerman. If you want to buy as souvenir, take care to buy one with all information on as a label in order not to be stopped at borders!


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